Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Celebrating Those who Labor

In honor of Labor Day, we'd like to thank all of those who labor for our school. The list of individuals who help us would fill a city block, so we'll we'll avoid naming names here.

We are grateful for our dedicated pastor and principal, who oversee the seemingly endless pile of administrative needs and who create the positive environment in which our students learn. Our terrific office staff keep communication flowing, organize our daily schedules, and ensure that our bills are paid. The fantastic OLS faculty challenge our children to learn new things, stretch their imaginations, and continually strive to do their best. The hours they work go far above and beyond the call of duty as they work tirelessly to meet our students' needs.
In addition to our administration, faculty, and staff, we are blessed with countless volunteers who generously give of their time. From playground monitors to library assistants, the OLS community pulls together to share their talents for the good of our school and parish communities. We could not fulfill our mission without our hardworking volunteers.

To all of you, a deep and heartfelt thank you!!

If you'd like to volunteer your time but don't know how to get involved, don't fret! Find some ideas on this FAQ page or fill out our talent survey, and we'll find a place for you.

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